July 2019

July 1, 2019

Interviews with those, who after coming to North America, chose to leave Islam to follow Jesus, identified some key common factors that were fruitful in their journey. In 2019 let’s pray that these factors would be active in more Muslims lives.

Week 1 – Fruitful Factor 1 – They had an experience with a Christian Church

Many church programs will be restarting this week—ESL classes, Free Stores, Mom’s groups, etc.

  • Pray that many Muslims in these church’s neighborhood would access these services and opportunities, overcoming the strangeness of entering a church building and discovering the welcome they will find there.
  • Pray that more churches would offer services that would meet the needs of their Muslim neighbors, building a bridge into these communities.
  • Pray for your church to be ready to serve their Muslim neighbors.


Week 2 – Fruitful Factor 2 – They had a Christian friend

  • Children are back to school and getting settled into routines. Pray that every Muslims student would have a group of Christian friends who are living their faith actively in front of them.
  • Pray that Muslim students would find their way into Christian clubs in schools and hear the Gospel clearly.
  • Many new immigrants are back into ESL classes. Pray for them to have Christian teachers and classmates who will befriend them, and share the hope found only in Jesus Christ. (Many immigrants to Canada come from nations where there is a strong Christian church—they have a vibrant faith and witness.)
  • Pray for Christians in the neighborhood, marketplace and community gatherings to be the first to offer a welcome and begin a friendship with their Muslim neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances.


Week 3 – Fruitful Factor 3 – They had a Bible in their heart language.

  • Many Muslim families received Christmas gift hampers. Those that were distributed by Christian ministries often contained a Jesus DVD or a scripture portion. Others have been given access to Bibles through a variety of distribution mechanisms. Pray that every Muslim who has a Bible portion in their home begins to read it. God’s word is living and active!
  • Many Muslims do not have access to Scripture in heart languages. Pray that 2019 will be the year they gain access and can watch the Jesus Film, read a Bible, or better yet, study the Bible with a Christian friend.


Week 4 – Fruitful Factor 4 – They had a supra-rational experience.

  • Many Muslims point to a particular event that convinced them of the truth of the Gospel. It might be an answered prayer, a dream of Jesus Christ, a powerful conviction, or some other thing that was key to their decision to follow Jesus Christ. Let’s pray that this year the Muslims we know have such an encounter.


Bonus – Fruitful Factors 5, 6, & 7

  • They had time to consider the claims of Christ. Let’s pray that 2019 is the ‘fullness of time’ for many Muslims who have been learning about Jesus Christ, that this is the year they decide to follow Him.
  • It involved multiple factors. Let’s pray that the right combination of factors is at work in our Muslim friends’ lives—time, circumstances, friends, churches, scripture, dreams… Let’s pray that God orchestrates a beautiful, customized complex of circumstances that would convince each one.
  • They were in a situation that allowed them to explore new ideas. Let’s pray that our Muslims neighbours would be free of pressure and harassment from family and friends, and would have the courage to ask questions.

About Loving Muslims Together

Loving Muslims Together exists because God’s love, demonstrated through Jesus Christ, is for Muslims. We function as local networks across Canada. We work to connect people and churches to opportunities, training and resources to help them build bridges to their Muslim neighbours, living out God’s love in word and deed.

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No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.

Nelson Mandela

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. And your neighbor as yourself.
