It only takes 2 or 3

July 3, 2020

Thirty plus years ago, I began praying weekly with a community group to keep our local school open*. I was a new believer and had no clue how to pray, but my neighbors laid hands on me and prayed I would learn. A few years later, Barbara Epp from Campus Crusade (now Power to Change) travelled across Canada to teach groups like ours how to pray effectively: bring no lists or personal agendas, begin praying immediately instead of talking, listen to the Lord concerning what He wants prayed for, and pray each topic through before moving to the next topic. Three of us from 3 different ministry interests and denominations continue to meet most weeks (although now that we’re seniors, it’s harder to find the time). These days we pray mainly for Canada.

Little did we realize the Lord was building an ekklesia. I’ve learned that when Jesus said, “…I will build My church…I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 16:18-19), He used the Greek term “ekklesia”, meaning a gathering for making decisions, i.e. legislating. That’s what the keys of the kingdom are for. Jesus says further, Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them (Mt 18:18-20).

Later, Paul stated, “God …raised us up with [Christ] and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…” (Eph 2:6). I read these passages to mean that when 2 or 3 of us gather together in His name, He is with us, helping us see what He sees and speak the prayers He is releasing from heaven; and our prayers are powerful because they’re backed by the authority of heaven’s throne.

On Canada Day 2020, I heard Argentinian evangelist Ed Silvoso, who loves Canada, speak about the urgency of establishing a million ekklesias in Canada. The COVID lockdown has driven us out of church buildings and motivated us to connect through various Internet platforms which put us virtually in each others’ homes. Not only is it easier to gather even though apart, but our mindsets about the possibilities have been shifted.

We’ve been complaining for years about how difficult it is to get churches praying for Muslim ministry. In my city we have difficulty getting large groups together to pray for Muslims. Thanks to COVID, we no longer require buildings or large gatherings. Worship has been distributed to thousands of locations. According to Jesus, all we need to form an ekklesia is 2 or 3. What are we waiting for?

Between 5 and 12 people meet weekly online to pray through the GHPL. We are an ekklesia. We so enjoy praying with each other as we honor the unique perspectives and gifts God has given each person. Relationship has blossomed. The Spirit of unity is powerful because we love the Lord and each other.

Do you pray through the GHPL regularly? Consider asking 1 or 2 others to join you. Meet according to how the Lord leads you (weekly, biweekly, monthly) by Zoom or Skype, in person or perhaps prayer walking. Discard personal agendas, and praise and listen to the Lord together. Submit to one another in love and agree with one another in prayer. Encourage one another in good works to accompany your prayers.

Stand on guard together for Canada, that we might be the place where countless Muslims are swept up in a Great Harvest because God’s people take our role seriously and welcome His manifest glory among us as He takes up His dominion from sea to sea to sea.

Three months on, how many ekklesias might we see? 

*The school stayed open and the School Board started an Arabic program to increase enrolment – my first exposure to Islam. 

About Leslie

Leslie knows by faith and experience that our heavenly Father puts His prayers in our hearts and then listens to our hearts’ cry as we pray them back to Him. We hear God, and God hears us.

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No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.

Nelson Mandela

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your mind. And your neighbor as yourself.
